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Glooko and DreaMed Diabetes Partner to Deliver Unprecedented Type 1 Diabetes Decision Support

DreaMed Diabetes leverages Glooko diabetes management platform to deliver proprietary insulin dosing algorithms to clinicians and people with diabetes

February 3, 2016 – Palo Alto, CA and Petah Tikva, Israel – Glooko, Inc., provider of the leading unified platform for diabetes management, and DreaMed Diabetes, developer of innovative and patient-centric decision support technologies for insulin-dependent people with diabetes (PWDs), today announced a partnership to commercialize DreaMed’s Advisor algorithm using the Glooko platform. The partners will demonstrate the integrated solution at the Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD) conference, from 3 – 6 February 2016 in Milan, Italy.

Glooko and DreaMed aim to vastly improve insulin management for over 30 million people with Type 1 diabetes globally [1], about 35% of whom currently use insulin pumps [2]. Glooko’s diabetes platform enables a PWD to download and visualize data from their diabetes device using their mobile phone and makes this data available to clinicians via the secure cloud. With the integration of DreaMed’s MD – Logic Pump Advisor into Glooko’s platform, insulin pump data can be assessed for patterns that yield personalized recommendations for critical pump-related settings, including basal rates and insulin-to-carb ratios. These recommendations are made available to clinicians via Glooko’s Population Management application, which allows a review of the therapeutic basis behind the recommended adjustment. Once approved, the recommendations are made available via the Glooko app on the PWD’s mobile phone.

For Glooko, the collaboration with DreaMed Diabetes is an initial step towards the company’s broader initiative to cultivate an ‘app store for diabetes algorithms and tools’, all of which leverage Glooko’s robust diabetes data engine and mobile app/web capabilities. “Clinicians, mathematicians, and data engineers from universities and companies worldwide have been developing algorithms capable of using diabetes data to micro-optimize each component of diabetes management, from insulin pump settings to dietary choices” said Rick Altinger, Glooko CEO. He continued, “Enabling partners to use Glooko’s vast diabetes dataset to deliver personalized insights at the patient level will give clinicians the information they need to provide impactful recommendations that can improve health outcomes.”

By allowing diabetes decision support tools to be built on the Glooko platform, the company is carving a path for PWDs and clinicians to get access to innovative technology to help improve their overall decision making. At the same time, Glooko provides a scalable way to enable organizations that create these algorithms to test, improve and ultimately commercialize them, bringing innovation to the forefront of positively impacting the lives of people with diabetes.

DreaMed CEO, Eran Atlas, said “We are very gratified to be collaborating with Glooko on the first commercialization project for our Advisor technology. Together, we will transform critical diabetes data into actionable information, giving healthcare providers a clinically effective, patient-specific decision support tool. Our collaboration is designed to raise the bar for fast, efficient and personalized medicine, by providing both doctors and diabetes patients with a holistic, simple glucose balancing solution.”

The partnership with Glooko is part of DreaMed’s overall strategy to transform Advisor into a necessary analytical component in any diabetes management system offering advanced personalized medicine. Future collaborations will include partnering with stakeholders that generate, collect and store patient data, to provide real-time glucose balance and behavioral guidance. Such collaborations can transform collected data into actionable information, with the aim of enabling DreaMed partners to provide more holistic and simple solutions for diabetes patients.

[1] IDF Diabetes Atlas – Sixth Edition

[2] T1D Exchange – Insulin Pump Use Varies Across Globe Despite Benefits in Diabetes Control

Glooko is the world’s leading Unified Platform for Diabetes Management and is trusted by the world’s leaders in diabetes care. Glooko provides an FDA-cleared, HIPAA-compliant web and mobile application, which aims to improve health outcomes for people with diabetes, in turn reducing costs for payers and the healthcare system. Glooko seamlessly syncs with over 40 blood glucose meters, pumps, CGMs, fitness and activity trackers, and supplies timely, verified patient data such as blood glucose, carbs, insulin, blood pressure, diet and weight data. Glooko’s mobile app enables patients to easily track and proactively manage all aspects of their diabetes care. Glooko’s Population Management web app and API’s offers diabetes-centric analytics and supply insightful reports, graphs and risk flags to patients, health systems and payers, as well as third party developers. Learn more at , and follow us at and .

DreaMed Diabetes, established in 2014, is dedicated to empowering insulin-dependent patients and their doctors with innovative and patient-centric decision support technology. The DreaMed Diabetes team includes thought-leading endocrinologists, biomedical engineers, and software developers with more than 50 years of combined field experience. With its innovative multidisciplinary approach, DreaMed Diabetes developed MD – Logic Technology – sophisticated algorithms which analyze available real-world data on dosing and glucose levels, in addition to patient reporting, emulating the way expert endocrinologists actually evaluate their patients. DreaMed became the first company in the world to receive CE Mark approval for artificial pancreas technology (Glucositter), as well as the first to conduct artificial pancreas studies under real-world conditions. DreaMed is bringing optimal glycemic control to patients with diabetes everywhere, with personalized medicine that improves their quality of life and lowers their overall treatment costs. Learn more at http://www.dreamed – and follow us at

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