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Healthcare provider in office

Better diabetes management,

Sustained reduction in HbA1c with
Glooko RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring) for Type 2 patients 

Total patients

Patients with baseline A1c>= 8.5%

Patients with baseline A1c>= 8.5%

(3 months n=162; RPM: 80, control: 82):

(6 months n=139):

*Glycemic Improvements Following Mobile-Enabled Remote Patient Monitoring: A Randomized Control Study. Sheng, T et al. American Diabetes Association (ADA), Scientific Sessions. E-poster, 2020 Remote patient monitoring for adults with type 2 diabetes.

Ranes, L. Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES; formerly AADE) Research/Case Study Session, 2020.

Sustained glycemic improvements with
Glooko RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring)

Improvement in key metrics at 3, 6, 12 months

Increased Time-in-Range

Decreased Average Blood Glucose

Decreased Hyperglycemia

Increased Time-in-Range

Decreased Average Blood Glucose

Decreased Hyperglycemia

*Remote patient monitoring in the real world: Immediate and long-term improvements in glycemic control. Sheng, T et al. American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Emerging Science Poster, 2019

Use of the Glooko mobile app
improves glycemic outcomes

  • Drops in average blood glucose levels and hyperglycemia in 2 months
  • Use of Glooko mobile app features (food logging and reminders) also improves the above

*Glooko’s diabetes management application improves glycemic outcomes compared to control. Offringa, R et al. American Diabetes Association (ADA), Scientific Sessions, 2020.

Use of mobile-enabled reminders feature is associated with improved behavioral and glycemic outcomes in the real world. Abad, R et al. American Diabetes Association (ADA), Scientific Sessions, 2019.

Mobile-Enabled Food Logging is Associated with Improved Glycemic Management in the Real World. Sheng, T et al. Diabetes Technology Meeting (DTM), 2019.

After stopping Glooko use,
patient outcomes decline in 6-8 weeks

Average increase
in blood glucose



*Deteriorating Glucose Control in Patients with Diabetes after Disengagement from a Mobile Health App. Babikian, S et al. Diabetes Technology Meeting, Poster, 2020