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Girl using Glooko app while eating salad

Better data
Better decisions

View all your data to better understand what’s affecting your diabetes

Download the app for free

  • Get it on Google Play
  • Download on the App Store

See your data together For Better control

  • Effortlessly sync data from your meter, insulin pump or pen, CGM, food app, activity tracker and blood pressure device to see all your data in one place
  • Log your meals and activity
  • Our food database has over 500,000 items and Glooko is compatible with popular fitness trackers like Fitbit and Strava
  • Quickly understand how you’re doing and how to make informed decisions
glooko mobile app screenshot

Stay on track in between visits

  • Collaborate remotely with your care team
  • Review diabetes data in easy-to-understand visualizations
  • See the impact that activity, medication, and carbs have on
    glucose levels
  • Receive reminders for care plan adherence


  • Share your data with your care team so you can better collaborate on treatment decisions
  • Give your care team access to your data so they can provide you with remote support between appointments
  • Glooko users show improved outcomes at 3 months and beyond*

*Remote Patient Monitoring in the Real World: Immediate and Long-Term Improvements in Glycemic Control. Sheng, T et al. American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Emerging Science Poster, 2019

Glooko supports
the devices you already use

  • Compatible with over 95% of diabetes devices
  • Glooko is a simple and usable platform for almost all diabetes devices
  • Never worry about your data when switching or adding devices
  • Choose the device you want to work with Glooko