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Glooko’s ADCES22 Sessions Highlight Food Tracking Features, Virtual Employee Wellness Coaching and Improving Diabetes Care Management

Glooko at ADCES22

September 30, 2022 || Written By: Glooko

Glooko at ADCES22

Glooko Booth at ADCES22Recently, Glooko exhibited at ADCES22, the premier annual conference from the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists covering all things diabetes care, education and technology.

Not only was it refreshing to meet our customers, colleagues and partners again in-person, a key focus of the event was on how to better help patients with diabetes during these changing times.

At the event, our very own registered dietitian and certified diabetes care and education specialist, Bridget Wood, shared during a Center Stage session how people living with diabetes can use the food tracker functionality within the Glooko mobile app to log their daily meals via search, voice capture and barcode scanner. The very handy food database has over 500,000 individual items, including unique regional food items from Germany, the U.K., Spain and France. Wood also highlighted how our mobile app has the capability to simultaneously add multiple lifestyle events, like medication, insulin, exercise and notes, which can be viewed alongside glucose data to reveal trends and patterns.

Glooko's Case Study with Cecelia HealthAlong with Cecelia Health, Glooko presented a case study on how a virtual employee wellness program comprised of our digital health app for people with diabetes and virtual coaching can generate high levels of participation and improve patient outcomes.

During a Coffee Talk, Gene Arnold from Johns Hopkins Medicine and Gary Scheiner from Integrated Diabetes Services participated in a lively discussion with Glooko Chief Medical Officer Dr. Mark Clements. They discussed the clinical challenges faced when trying to educate people with diabetes without accurate data, which Glooko data visualizations to use and how clinicians are incorporating remote patient monitoring and population health management into their practices.

For those that missed it live, watch the conversation below.
